His Dark Materials: Language and Representation Blog Tasks

His Dark Materials: Language and Representation Blog Tasks

Language and close-textual analysis

1) Write an analysis of the episode - using your notes from the screening in classMake specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, editing, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

Camerawork, editing and sound: Establishing shots of the fantasy world and close ups to show the characters' emotions/reactions. There is both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, like the city and the music when Lyra and Will meet for the first time. During the chase scene, the editing becomes more fast paced and there are more cuts as it is action

The setting of the city: architecture is decayed, there's mold, empty streets and abandoned buildings 

Narrative and genre: Fantasy genre - parallel worlds, witches and magical things

You can access our notes from the close-textual analysis in a previous class here - you'll need your Greenford Google login to open this.
2) How does His Dark Materials fit the conventions of the fantasy TV genre?
The existence of Daemons, Witches, parallel worlds, supernatural beings, different scientific rules all align with the fantasy TV genre

3) Applying Propp's character theory, what character roles do some of the main characters in His Dark Materials fit into?
Lyra serves as Hero. The witches as donors as they hold information. Will as helper. Villains: the Specters

4) What enigma and action codes (Barthes) can you find in His Dark Materials? Make specific, detailed reference to the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)
enigma: The mysterious abandoned city with empty streets which features non-diegetic sounds that create an atmosphere of mystery. Will and Lyra chase scene - the pounding footsteps, intense music and the characters dialogue and expressions.

5) What examples of binary opposition (Levi-Strauss) can you find in His Dark Materials? How do these create narrative or drama for the audience? You can find reminder notes on all these narrative theories here - just scroll down to narrative. 

Young vs Older


1) How are women represented in His Dark Materials? Are gender stereotypes reinforced or subverted? Think about Lyra and Mrs Coulter here.
Lyra subverts gender stereotypes by being
strong, independent with leadership skills and goes on adventures which would be seen irregular stereotypically. Mrs Coulter is portrayed manipulative with influence and control over others, in this episode she is seen overpowering and having control of the situation/conversation with the men which is another example of subverted gender stereotypes.

2) How are men and masculinity represented in His Dark Materials? Think about Will and Lee Scoresby here.
The roles are reversed as men are often struggling with challenging and dangerous situations whereas it is not the same for the opposite gender

3) How is age (e.g. teenagers; adults) represented in His Dark Materials? Does the show reinforce or challenge stereotypes about young people? Think about Lyra and Will plus the abandoned children they meet. Also think about Mrs Coulter and other adults.
Adults in His Dark Materials are represented as the ones in trouble which typically would be teenagers, this is a subverted stereotype and our protagonist is a teenager is adventuring and challenging difficult situations that the adults are not capable of. The abandoned children that Lyra and Will meet are independent and mention that they strive without their parents.

4) How is race and ethnicity represented in His Dark MaterialsAre stereotypes reinforced or subverted?
There is a mixed portrayal of race and ethnicity with the depiction of witches being associated with tribal-like cultures
5) What representations of the world can you find in the episode - is it like real life? A fantasy world? Something from the past or future? Give examples from the episode.
It seems to be a world similar to ours but from different eras combined hence the mentioning of multiple worlds colliding. With a setting of the Victorian era with futuristic technology and supernatural beings.


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