Coursework Preliminary Exercise

Coursework Preliminary Exercise

1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise.
Statement of intent: 100 words explaining what you plan to make.

I plan to create an advert around 30 seconds about a young student athlete who struggles with keeping a consistent pace in his running. To help combat this problem, the healthy + energetic drink will replenish his energy and make him feel refreshed, which will help him resume his run. It will start off with an establishing shot in a field with motivating and upbeat music, which will slowly fade away as the character gives up from stamina.
At the middle point of the advert, the character will be reaching into their bag for the drink and cut seamlessly to the character drinking it, which shortly after will allow them to resume faster with determination, and the music will fade back in as an uprising climax moment, followed by the product's name titled in the last few seconds that will cut to the slogan "Refresh Your Drive" whilst also being a voiceover.

2) Write a script for your preliminary exercise on your blog. This needs to include stage directions AND dialogue. To see how a TV drama script is presented, and to look at professional examples, check out the BBC Writers' Room and click on Script Library. These will not be advert scripts but the layout will be the same.

Establishing shot of a large, open field with a single YOUNG ATHLETE (late teens, early 20s) running down a dirt path.

MUSIC: Upbeat, energetic track plays faintly in the background.

Close-up shot

Showing signs of exhaustion. He slows down, breathing heavily.

MUSIC: Fades out as the athlete slows to a stop.

The athlete places his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

The athlete drops his bag on the ground, unzips it, and pulls out a bottle of the drink

MUSIC: Tune fades in softly as the athlete drinks.

MUSIC: Gradually builds back up in intensity.

The athlete starts running again faster and stronger. His pace is steady, powerful.

MUSIC: Reaches climax

The drink logo appears with the tagline: Refresh Your Drive (VOICEOVER)

3) Casting: Who will be in your preliminary exercise advert?

My Brother

4) Plan your locations: Where you will film your preliminary exercise? (You can film off-site if you wish to do this for homework - this is what we would strongly recommend). Important note: You CANNOT take any students out of any other lessons OR disturb any other lessons in the school. If you wish to film in-school then you will need to film with Mr Ray supervising or after school with a Media teacher present. 

The advert will be shot outside of the school in the fields and hills.

5) Write your shot list: every shot you plan to film. This needs to be far MORE shots than you will actually use in the final edited version - plan extra angles, close-ups, long shots and more. You can find an example shot list here. This is for a narrative film but the layout will be the same. 

- Establishing shot of the Field/Hills
- Up close shot on the ground with the young student-athlete (coming into frame, running)
- Secondary shot of the athlete running
- Rapid Cuts
- Scenic view shot
- Wide shot (Student Athlete slows down and runs out of stamina)
Up-close shot of the student (heavy breathing)
- Quick shot of student's arm reaching for his bag
- Close shot of drink in the bag (glowing visuals, lighting)
- Pick-up drink shot
- 2nd close shot of the drink
- Over the shoulder shot
- Lift up and drinking shot
- Wide shot
- Zoom in (low to ground)
- Multiple further shots of character resuming his run and cut

Extension task - Storyboard: Draw a 5-frame storyboard mapping out your key shots. Storyboard sheets are available in DF07.


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