
Showing posts from December, 2024

OSP: Audience and Industries Blog Tasks

OSP: Audience and Industries Blog Tasks Audience 1) Who are the potential target audiences for Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's online content? Try and cover both  demographics and psychographics . 2) Marcus Rashford’s online presence is partly driven by his excellent use of social media. How does he use social media to engage with his fans and make them feel part of his brand? 3) What is Instagram engagement rate and what engagement rates do Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian have?  4) Go to Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's X or Instagram account. Find and screenshot/link  three  posts that show the different aspects of their brand e.g. Relatable person (normal, down to earth), Campaigner (interested in politics), Celebrity (e.g. awards ceremony or fashion), Brand promotion (e.g. selling a product). 5) What audience pleasures are provided by Marcus Rashford's online presence? What about Kim Kardashian? Try and apply  Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratific...

OSP: Language and Representation Blog Tasks

OSP: Language and Representation Blog Tasks Language 1) Make two lists - one of website  conventions  used on Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian's official website and one of social media conventions found on their Instagram pages. sites: Rashford - high-quality images of Marcus Rashford in professional campaign settings + costume Kim - promotion of products (e.g. SKIMS) social media conventions: Rashford - Instagram stories / tweets showcasing campaigns and recognitions Kim - moments with family & children + content from events or production 2) How does Marcus Rashford's website and social media promote his brand? Give at least  three  examples of different pages / posts / images from his website or social media. - Convergence on his website which links all of his social pages to the brand - Images of football career and Man Utd reposts - Logo on website and as profile image establishing an identity for his brand 3) How does Kim Kardashian's website and social m...